

IND AS Transition – Key Aspects
Friday May 26, 2017

India is a sixth largest economy in the world and has a significant role to play on the global
platform. Indian economy is expected to grow at more than 7% in the fiscal year 2017-18
compared to world GDP which is 3.4% in 2017. The growth generally comes from streamlining
business procedures, structuring tax regimes, formalising the accounting standards to bring
uniformity in financial reporting and many other reforms introduced by Government time to
time. Indian Accounting Standards ‘Ind-AS’ is one of the key step in that direction.

Ind-AS has replaced the existing Accounting Standards in India with effect from April 1, 2016.
Few companies are already covered under Ind-AS regime and others will fall under the category
soon in upcoming year(s) as defined by the Government in the phased manner. It is a reality now
and is going to affect the accounting processes of companies operating in our country.

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